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Totem 2004

Totem 2004. Totem 2004 (2004). Issued by: California Institute of Technology.

PDF (2004) - Published Version
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Item Type:Issue of Serial
EditorsIdentifier (ex: Smith-J-P)PersonID (may be blank)ORCID (may be blank)
Afsarmanesh, NedaAfsarmanesh-NUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Other Contributors:
ContributionOther Contributors NameIdentifierPersonID (may be blank)ORCID (may be blank)
Faculty advisorGilmartin, KevinGilmartin-KUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Common Title or Series:Totem
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Additional Information:Published Since the fall of 1957. Totem, Caltech's literary and visual arts magazine, is an annual publication that highlights the literary and creative works of Caltech scholars. It gathers the stories, poetry, photographs, sketches and paintings of unexpected artists. Undergraduate students on staff volunteer their time during second and third terms to collect and showcase these pieces. It is our mission to foster the artistic expressions of our community members and spread awareness of the multitude of talents here at Caltech. Totem is distributed at no charge to the entire campus through May and June to aid appreciation and enthusiasm of art and literature in the community, which tends to become overshadowed by the science and technology-intensive life at Caltech. Since 2005, Totem has been published in a calendar format, in an effort to fuse function and beauty, as well as to ensure the appreciation of the works year-round.
Subject Keywords:Caltech -- literary -- visual arts -- magazine
Record Number:CaltechCampusPubs:20140623-104324730
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Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
ID Code:2712
Deposited By: Kathy Johnson
Deposited On:23 Jun 2014 18:14
Last Modified:20 May 2020 18:55

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